NMR Lab Equipment
The chemistry department NMR lab maintains 6 NMR spectrometers.
They are:
Renovation Photos
Magnet cutaway: the inside of a superconducting magnet
Acknowledgement statement for Bruker spectrometers: ""Research reported in this publication was supported by the Office of the
Director, National Institutes of
Health of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number S10OD011952. The
content is
solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the
official views of
the National Institutes of Health."
The Bruker Avance III HD 500 was installed in December 2011 (magnet and samplechanger) and July 2013 (console and Prodigy probe).
It is a 2-channel spectrometer with a shielded Ascend magnet.
The magnet sits on a TMC vibration table to protect it from vibrations from the light rail.
There is 1 probe available:
- 5mm Prodigy TCI cryoprobe with z-axis gradients (usually in the magnet)
Only proton (2500:1 S/N), carbon (350:1), and fluorine (2000:1) are available.
This instrument is running under full automation mode with a SampleXpress autosampler.
Limited high temperature is available.
Contact facility staff if non-automated experiments must be run.
The Bruker Avance III 500 was installed in December 2011 (console and probes) and July 2013 (magnet and samplechanger).
It is a 3-channel spectrometer with a shielded Ascend magnet.
There are 2 probes available:
- 5mm BBFO "SmartProbe" with z-axis gradients (out for repair)
Proton S/N: 730:1
Carbon S/N: 250:1
Fluorine S/N: 550:1
Phosphorus S/N: 180:1
- 5mm TBO triple resonance PFG probe (currently in magnet)
Capable of C13 detection with simultaneous H1 and F19 decoupling
Proton S/N: 280:1
Carbon S/N: 220:1
Fluorine S/N: 220:1
Phosphorus S/N: 140:1
Probe changes must be scheduled with the NMR Lab staff.
Variable temperature (+/- 150C) is available.
Instrument is run in manual mode, but automation is available with a SampleCase autosampler.
The Varian Inova 500, originally installed in 1989 as a Varian Unity,
was upgraded in 1996 with a new console, a third RF channel, PFG
(pulsed field gradients), and WFG (wave form generators).
Several probes are currently available:
- 5mm H{P-X} triple resonance, Z-axis PFG probe (usually in the magnet)
- 5mm H{C-X} triple resonance, triple-axis PFG probe
- 5mm H{X} indirect detection probe
- 5mm Broadband X{H} probe
- 10mm Lowband X{H} probe
Probe changes must be scheduled with the NMR Lab staff.
Variable temperature (-20C to +60C) is available,
The Varian Inova 300 was installed in 1996.
Four probes are available:
- 5mm 4-Nucleus (H1, C13, F19, P31) probe (usu. in magnet)
- 5mm Broadband X{H} probe
- 5mm H1/F19 probe
- 10mm Broadband X{H} probe
Variable temperature (-100C to +100C) is available.
There are no gradients on this instrument.
The SMS autosampler was installed in March 2014. It is run in manual mode during the day and automation mode when there are teaching lab samples.
The former AC-300 was
obtained originally from the now-defunct IBM Instruments in 1986; it was
upgraded with a Varian Inova console in spring 1996. In January 2000, the
console was replaced with a Unity console from the VXR-300. In 2009, the Unity console was replaced with a used Mercury console donated from the Medicinal Chemistry department. The VAC-300 has an
automatic sample changer attached and runs continually in automatic
mode. Users place their samples in the rack and set up the
desired experiments on the computer. It has a 4-nucleus probe, which
permits H1, F19, P31, and C13 detection.
No VT control is possible.
The experiments available include:
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Last modified: June 2014